Daksh Prakritik Chikitsalaya Acupressure & Yoga Sansthan
Daksh Prakritik Chikitsalaya
Daksh Prakritik Chikitsalaya Acupressure & Yoga Sansthan at Patna – Health has been desirable for Humankind since the beginning of civilization.
Health (Swasthya) refers to “Swa” which denotes soul and the very nature of soul is to be healthy and remain active happily.
All these have to be achieved referring to “Aarogya”. To get you “Aarogya”! to stabilize your body. We have setup “DAKSH PRAKRITIK CHIKITSALAY ACUPRESSURE & YOG SANSTHAN”, equipped with all natural remedies and processes where your body can be rejuvenated from what your body has been made i.e. “PANCHTATVA” (Mitti, Pani, Dhup, Hawa, Aakash).
Daksh Prakritik Chikitsalaya Acupressure & Yoga Sansthan Provides Services DISEASE TREATED like as Diabetes(मधुमेह), Obesity(मोटापा), Blood Pressure(रक्त चाप), Asthama(दमा), Knee Pain(घुटने के दर्द), Constipation(कब्ज), Acidity(अम्लपित्त), Piles(बवासीर), Gout(गठिया), Impotence(नपुंसकता), Infertility(बांझपन), Nervous Weakness(स्नायु कमजोरी), Insomnia(अनिद्रा), Skin Disease(त्वचा रोग), Leucoderma(सफ़ेद दाग), Hysteria(हिस्टीरिया), Ulcerative Colitis, Pimples(मुंहासों), Eczema(एक्जिमा), Jaundice(पीलिया), Gastritis(जठरशोथ), Ulcer(अल्सर), Sciatica(सायाटिका), Back Pain(पीठ दर्द) etc…
Daksh Prakritik Chikitsalaya Acupressure & Yoga Sansthan in Treatments Methods Steam Bath, Swedish Massage, Hip Bath, Hot Foot Bath, Mud Pack Of Bath, Enima, Whole Body Wet Sheet Pack, Whole Body Mud Pack, Wet Girdle Pack, Heating Chest Pack, Rest Girdle Pack, Leg Heating Pack, Neck Pack, Shirodhara etc…
Daksh Prakritik Chikitsalaya Acupressure & Yoga Sansthan Official WebSite For Daksh Prakritik Chikitsalaya at Patna, Bihar, Click here to www.dakshnaturecure.com.
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