Gandhiji Naturopathy Center
Gandhiji Naturopathy Center Learn How To Be Healthy- and Naturopathy Teaches you How to Be…
Gandhiji Naturopathy Center
Naturopathy is an art and science of living and healing. It is devoid of any side effects, without using any chemicals or toxins or drugs. Naturopathy makes a man healthy. Thus it is a complete science of medicine. Unlike other systems of medicine here natural resources like air, water, earth, fire are the main sources of treatment. It is often found that nowadays treatment given for one disease gives way to some other ailment due to the side effect of medicine. Naturopathy has in its own a holistic approach. It doesn’t treat your disease rather treatment is given to the body’s deep root-the cause of the ailment.
This Gandhiji Naturopathy Center specialty center was all started with a mission to serve mankind…the first referral unit, which has a separate research wing for renal diseases Chronic renal failure (before starting dialysis) has a success rate of 60% else can give from patients who has started dialysis can also be successfully treated in this center. Morbidity of renal patients are much better with nature care. Deterioration of renal function is slowed down. People with dialysis are also well accomplished as they develop well being with naturopathy treatment. The integrated approach of nature care make this possible to get along very well with modern medical management. Natural remedies helps one to regain health. It looks after the physical & physiological health. Yoga and yoga therapy cares for the proper mental health. Doctor or a physician is one who channelize the way to achieve health. Patients need to sacrifice their hard core faulty living habits. And abide by the Natural living principles.
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