Nisargopchar Ashram in Pune
Nisargopchar Ashram
Nisargopchar Ashram in Pune: There are different medical approaches for various diseases all over the world like conventional Modern Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Chinese system, Unani, Tibetan, Acupuncture & Acupressure. These medical systems are based on some philosophy and importance in prevention and management of health problems.
Nisargopchar Ashram in Modern medicine is mainly aimed at symptomatic treatment and removal of the causative organism or toxin by some medicine. Other traditional ancient systems correct the imbalance of different humors or energy principles in the human body. In fact all acute symptoms such as fever, body ache, hyperacidity, diarrhea is nature’s attempt to eliminate toxins & waste matter from the body. Suppression of the symptoms leads to manifestation and recurrence of the same symptom or disease which is the cause of chronic disease. All such acute or chronic diseases manifest because of our faulty way of eating, living habits and negative thinking. Repeated negative impact on the body lowers the body resistance or immunity which is known as “Vital Force “.
Nisargopchar Ashram Main aim of the nature cure treatment is to educate the people and create awareness about health and hygiene. In Naturopathy we emphasize on educating a person about the right way of living and management of health problems by simple ways. People experience the effect of living in accordance with the laws of Nature. By following the laws of Nature, vitality improves, which helps in elimination of toxins from the body.
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