PanchaTattva Yoga and Nature Cure Wellness Center
PanchaTattva Yoga and Nature Cure Wellness Center
PanchaTattva Yoga and Nature Cure Wellness Center – Nature Cure and Yoga, one of the traditional and holistic systems of medicines for improving the physical, mental and spiritual well being of Human Life. These drugless, non-invasive therapies aim to cure the root cause rather than symptoms and without side effects. It’s a consciousness based multi-dimensional approach which offers cure to the much experienced modern lifestyle non-communicable diseases. It is not just preventive but also provides cure for many of the chronic diseases and works as one of the best measures of Rehabilitation. Nature Cure, Yoga and Ayurveda have well established roots in our cultural heritage. These have collectively been recognized all over the World as alternative system of medicine, also recommended by WHO for the promotion of positive health. A multi-dimensional approach is offered by Yoga and Naturopathy and other ancient healing systems, practiced for thousands of years in India. Applies the “Consciousness based approach”, according to which, Consciousness is primary and matter is the end product. This health system and corrective lifestyle is the most stimulating & rewarding general interest areas of today’s science. According to the demography and epidemic proportions of the modern diseases, commonly referring to stress related, life style related and psychosomatic diseases; Yoga and Naturopathy emerges out as one of the most promising lifestyle medicine. One of the main reasons to these systems getting popularity and consideration in India and abroad is probably failure of the matter-based (physical symptoms only) approach of modern science which worked well with contagious and infectious diseases. However, it lacks behind in offering cure to modern life style non-communicable diseases (NCDs) which have become a new pandemic of the modern era.
To know More About PanchaTattva Yoga and Nature Cure Wellness Center is Located as House No. 34, Bhaskar Nagar, Guwahati, Assam 781021. please visit the below links. All the Content, Images and Details are taken from Official website. Click Here to Visit official website.
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