Thonse Naturecure Hospital

Thonse Naturecure Centre
Thonse Naturecure Hospital at Thonse-Hoode Near Kemmannu in Udupi Taluk is a marvellous and beautiful place where you would love to rediscover your mind, body and soul. Here, service to humanity is the motto. It is the most cherished dream of the Chairman, Medical Director.
thonse naturecure hospital or natural medicine is a healing system in conformity with the principles of nature on the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social planes of individual being. In general, nature cure is an indigenous holistic system of alternative complementary medicine. It is well accepted by the global medical scientists and doctors along with beneficiary population with top most popularity.
thonse naturecure hospital Health started its dream journey in the path of healthy life with an aim to achieve the goal of health for all. It chose the way of natural medicine which is preventive, curative and promotive along with the harmonical rhythm of nature. At Thonse Health, we have realised the natural truth – ‘nature heals, not medicines’. Hence it is our primary concern drawn towards natural medicine which takes care of the body-mind illness.
At thonse naturecure hospital, it is a journey back to nature with our humble service to prepare the platform as therapeutic nature cure hospital in the midst of lush green nature with all modern eco friendly facilities. Natural Thonse Health Island provides accommodation to over 100 peaceful health seekers in all earnestness.
Come, enjoy the serenity of Thonse Health and rediscover your mind, body and soul with positive health vibrations.
Official WebSite For thonse naturecure hospital in Udupi, Karnataka, Click here to
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